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   中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园(以下简称“版纳植物园”)坐落于生物多样性丰富、自然风景宜人、民风淳朴的西双版纳州勐腊县勐仑镇,是一个集科学研究、物种保存和科普教育为一体的综合性研究机构和国内外知名的风景名胜区。拥有两个中国科学院重点实验室(中国科学院热带森林生态学重点实验室、中国科学院热带植物资源可持续利用重点实验室),两个中心(综合保护中心、公共技术服务中心),27 个研究组,建有标本与种质保存中心。在西双版纳热带雨林、哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林、元江干热河谷建有 3 个野外台站(中国科学院西双版纳热带雨林生态系统研究站、中国科学院哀牢山森林生态系统研究站、西双版纳热带植物园元江干热河谷生态站),每个台站都建有通量观测塔,是中国唯一一个拥有两个可旋转塔吊系统的研究单位。植物园为研究人员配套了舒适的花园式公寓,每周为职工提供免费园车往返昆明和勐仑一次。





    工作地点: 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园(云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐腊县勐仑镇)


    1、已获得博士学位,身体健康,一站博后申请者不超过 35 岁,二站博后申请者不限制年龄;  





    每位博士后研究人员在站期间提供 15 万元科研经费补贴。中国籍博士后工资按照国家有关政策执行;外籍博士后研究人员年薪 18 万人民币。


    有意申请者,请将简历和能证明自己能力的材料发到 lh@xtbg.ac.cn, 联系人:林华 副研究员

Postdoc position within environmental change and near ground remote sensing,

 Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was founded in 1959. It is a comprehensive research institution engaged in scientific research, species preservation, science communication, science & technology development, and a well-known scenic spot as well. XTBG is located in the north edge of tropical zone with high biodiversity and various vegetation types. Three field stations (Xishuangbanna Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem Station, Ailaoshan Station for Forest Ecosystem Studies and Yuanjiang Hot and Dry Valley Observation Station) focus on tropical forest, subtropical forest and Savanna vegetation respectively. There is flux tower in each station, and two rotatable canopy cranes in the subtropical and tropical forest.

    Tree Ring and Environmental Change Group focuses on environmental change in the tropical and subtropical regions of southwestern China. By combining dendrochronology, tree ecophysiology, climatology and remote sensing. We aim to: 1. reconstruct regional climate change during the past centuries; 2. investigate growth-climate responses of tropical/subtropical tree species; 3. detect physiological adaptation of tropical/subtropical plants to simulated environmental change; and 4. model vegetation-climate relationships. We have established tree ring study system, cellulose extraction system, and been equipped with drone, hyperspectral image camera and thermal camera. You are welcome to join us as a postdoc.


    1. Good health; under 35 years old for the first postdoc position, no age limitation for the second postdoc position.

    2. The successful candidate must have a PhD degree, preferably with study experience of environmental change, near ground sensing, graphic processing and drone flight;

    3. Excellent communication skills and fluency in spoken and written English;

    4. Proven ability to carry out research and publish

Salary 180,000 RMB/year

Contact: E-mail address: lh@xtbg.ac.cn Associate professor: Hua Lin
